Fish dumplings from Taiwan make a splash

5 min readFeb 12, 2021


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — An art teacher from Taiwan has created some remarkably lifelike goldfish and koi fish dumplings for the Lunar New Year.

Chang Min-chen (張敏貞), a watercolor instructor for two decades, has transformed her talent for draughtsmanship into making fish-shaped dumplings. She drew inspiration from the Japanese-style confectionery wagashi, known for its exquisiteness and artistic features, reported CNA.

It took considerable time and effort to form the goldfish dumplings into the right shape and proportions, a process that involved research into the aquatic creature’s body structure. Each fish takes about five minutes to make, including coloring and the ingenious use of a plastic straw to create a fish scale pattern.

Buoyed by the satisfying result, Chang went a step further by taking on the challenge of making koi fish dumplings, which requires advanced craft and the arrangement of multiple hues. The fish dumplings, with shrimp and squid fillings, are to be served at the dinner table for Lunar New Year’s Eve, she said.
The delicacies are so lifelike that some netizens joked they wouldn’t eat them because “they look so terribly real.” The gifted teacher now plans to make another version of the “edible fish” for Lantern Festival — tangyuan, which are balls of glutinous rice with or without fillings, served in a hot broth or deep-fried.

“It would be fun seeing the fish tangyuan swimming in the soup,” she mused.
A man caught the attention of the authorities after sharing in a Line group a picture of himself with a humphead wrasse, which measured over one meter and sported a vibrant turquoise color. The man’s boastful conduct led to his being reported to the Coast Guard for the illegal fishing of a protected aquatic species, reported CNA.

According to the Coast Guard, two male residents were involved in the incident, surnamed Li (李) and Hsieh (謝), who claimed the fish was already dead when they reeled it ashore. It was later brought back for a photo session before being released into the sea, they said.

The testimony appeared to be fishy, and the suspects are being investigated for allegedly breaching the country’s animal protection regulations. The reckless behavior has also sparked an uproar from the online community on the outlying island, with some criticizing the young men for catching an endangered species that grows at a pace of just one kilogram a year.

They now face a criminal sentence of between six months and five years, along with a fine of between NT$300,000 (US$10,716) and NT$1.5 million, for disturbing, abusing, hunting, killing, or utilizing wildlife for illicit purposes, per the Wildlife Conservation Act.
According to Ho Yuan-hsing (何源興), director of the Mariculture Research Center at the Eastern Marine Biology Research Center, it is rare to see such a large humphead wrasse, or Napoleon wrasse — estimated to weigh over 30 kilograms — in Taiwan’s waters. The country included the species on the protection list in 2014.
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — An art teacher from Taiwan has created some remarkably lifelike goldfish and koi fish dumplings for the Lunar New Year.

Chang Min-chen (張敏貞), a watercolor instructor for two decades, has transformed her talent for draughtsmanship into making fish-shaped dumplings. She drew inspiration from the Japanese-style confectionery wagashi, known for its exquisiteness and artistic features, reported CNA.

It took considerable time and effort to form the goldfish dumplings into the right shape and proportions, a process that involved research into the aquatic creature’s body structure. Each fish takes about five minutes to make, including coloring and the ingenious use of a plastic straw to create a fish scale pattern.

Buoyed by the satisfying result, Chang went a step further by taking on the challenge of making koi fish dumplings, which requires advanced craft and the arrangement of multiple hues. The fish dumplings, with shrimp and squid fillings, are to be served at the dinner table for Lunar New Year’s Eve, she said.
The delicacies are so lifelike that some netizens joked they wouldn’t eat them because “they look so terribly real.” The gifted teacher now plans to make another version of the “edible fish” for Lantern Festival — tangyuan, which are balls of glutinous rice with or without fillings, served in a hot broth or deep-fried.

“It would be fun seeing the fish tangyuan swimming in the soup,” she mused.
A man caught the attention of the authorities after sharing in a Line group a picture of himself with a humphead wrasse, which measured over one meter and sported a vibrant turquoise color. The man’s boastful conduct led to his being reported to the Coast Guard for the illegal fishing of a protected aquatic species, reported CNA.

According to the Coast Guard, two male residents were involved in the incident, surnamed Li (李) and Hsieh (謝), who claimed the fish was already dead when they reeled it ashore. It was later brought back for a photo session before being released into the sea, they said.

The testimony appeared to be fishy, and the suspects are being investigated for allegedly breaching the country’s animal protection regulations. The reckless behavior has also sparked an uproar from the online community on the outlying island, with some criticizing the young men for catching an endangered species that grows at a pace of just one kilogram a year.

They now face a criminal sentence of between six months and five years, along with a fine of between NT$300,000 (US$10,716) and NT$1.5 million, for disturbing, abusing, hunting, killing, or utilizing wildlife for illicit purposes, per the Wildlife Conservation Act.
According to Ho Yuan-hsing (何源興), director of the Mariculture Research Center at the Eastern Marine Biology Research Center, it is rare to see such a large humphead wrasse, or Napoleon wrasse — estimated to weigh over 30 kilograms — in Taiwan’s waters. The country included the species on the protection list in 2014.

